Art Contest!

Assignment 3: Seam Carving


Elijah: "Hasbulla"

Bev: "Straight Lines?"

Liam: "Carved Cat"



Beep: "Restored Tralie

"in an effort to restore Professor tralie's face after the horrific content awareness accident, i have devised a #reverse attempt at the process.""

Michael Connors: "Messy Cat"

Brady: "Reduced winXP bliss"

"This is the windows xp background image with 400 seams removed. The program works very well to remove these with the lowest energy cost because the removed seams are barely noticeable. I computed a few different images from different OS backgrounds and bliss came out the cleanest."

Cracked: "80 Vertical Seams"

Julian: "Him"

Connor: "Skyscraper"


Result after Removing 50% of Seams

Levi: "Oppnhmr"

Pedro: "Pedro"

Kevin: "Lebron"

Tim: "Skinny Face"

Camila: "Leon"

Matt L: "Goofier Cat"

"Removed 80 seams from the goofy cat"

AJ: "Missing Shoulder"

PDizzle: "Funky Bruce"

Emily: "A Seam Carved Lady"

Zach: "Derp"

Dante: "Cool Cat"

Pat R: "Slimbama"

A: "Good as new (kind of)"

Evan Tilton: "Red"

Pat T: "Homer Lesson"

Tyler Wilson: "Inception Art Contest"

Click here for original image